Friday, April 20, 2007

Of Banshee Farms and the Advent of Pie

April is almost over.

There hasn't been an April post yet.

I think I'll remedy that.

It doesn't seem like there's a lot to talk about. That's not to say that nothing of interest has happened since the last post, it's just that most noteworthy things that occurred in the last month have already been adequately discussed through other mediums.

The giant Belcher Performing Arts Center was just dedicated, and as a member of the LeTourneau Singers, I can say that I was in THE first group to perform in it. Unfortunately, our performance was from a balcony overlooking the lobby area as everyone left the morning service, so I don't think may people heard us over the talking of the crowd. We did, however, perform again that evening; this time from the stage. The acoustics in that building are really nice. We were followed in performance by Dr. Richard Allen Farmer and Greg Buchanan, who were wonderful. All we needed was for Ravi Zacharias to give a short devotional and the evening would have been perfect.

Another recent event of interest in my life is that my hard drive crashed on Wednesday. It seemed normal when I left for class and when I came back it was trying to reboot and failing to find the operating system. I turned it off and back on, and things worked fine. At the advice of Fjord, I downloaded and ran a hard drive diagnostic program which told me that the heart of my computer was in poor health. Shortly thereafter, it died again. This time I turned it off and left it off. Through Fjord's computer voodoo magic and a few chicken bones all necessary documents and half of my music collection were able to be salvaged before the discs decayed irrevocably, so that's good. I'm currently back to the hard drive that was taken from my old computer when I switched at the beginning of the semester.

And now, I believe I am done.

The job of Banshee Farmer must have a very high turnover rate.

Then God said, "Let there be round pastries with a thick layer of fruit or other delicious filling." And God called the pastries pies, and saw that they were good.


Laura said...

I like pie!! I think it is good! Speaking of pie.....the pie you shared was good. oh, by the way, your choice of words in post are best when you read them out loud; I think my reading comprehensive ability is far too low to benefit quite as much from the post if I had attempted to read it myself.

Do you feel special now?

Laura said...

have you found me (or I guess it's really us) yet?

Benaiah said...

Yea! A post from the Power Suite! My life has just not felt complete this month without one. I don't know what I would have done had the month of April slipped away with out a single post...