Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Mad With Power!

I am currently working at Gospel For Asia as part of a 4-week internship. However, they don't really have any positions related to engineering, so I have been placed in the IT department. This is a bit odd since I don't really know that much about computers, but I've been able to find enough on programming forums to be somewhat productive thus far.

One perk, though: the applications I working concern remotely adjusting printer drivers, which means I am learning script that works at the base level of Windows. The scripts that I write operate regardless of the programs that are open and without showing any sign of their existence.


The ability to open, close, and alter programs, enter keystrokes, and locate system information while being nearly untraceable is giving me... ideas.

I wonder if I could write a program that would write and activate copies of itself...


Anonymous said...

What scripting language are you using, and what environment does it run in?

Grey said...

VBScript. It seems to come with windows and operates as a part of the OS. I think.

Anonymous said...

obsidian throne